
Turki Jandi

Hello everyone 👋🏻. It was last day our practice day . We visited Hazrat Turki Jandiy is one of the scholars and scholars of Bukhara (10th century). The full name of the sheikh is Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn al-Fazl Musa al Jandi . Hazrat Turki Zhandi was born in the city of Zhand near Sirdarya , and reached his academic maturity in Bukhara. In "Nasabnama" it is recognized that "Abu Nasr ibn Abu Ishaq was one of Kalabadi's comrades, he was a pioneer in the science of tafsir and hadith. 🫶🫶

Bakiy Bukhara

Today we went to Bakiy Bukhara 🏛️. It's full of with younger and older people 💫. This place is intertainmen for people. Historical-ethnographic park "Bakiy Bukhara" will be established in the city of Bukhara. This was reported by the press service of the regional administration .From the territory of the park, there is an ethnographic museum, historical neighborhoods typical for the Bukhara oasis, teahouses and national food restaurants serving residents, traditional drainage systems - ditches and ponds, stalls of artisans, jewelry, goldsmithing, embroidery, oil.

Khoja Zayniddin mosque

Hello everyone 👋🏻. Today we visited to mosque😊,named Khoja Zayniddin.💫 It located in narrow Bukhara street .The Khoja Zayniddin is a mid-16th century mosque 🏛️ located at the junction of two side streets 300 meters southwest of the Po-i-Kalyan square within the shahr-i-darun, or "inner city". Although its interior houses the grandest dome in Bukhara, very little of substance is known about the origin of the building—both its sponsor and its architect have been lost to the mists of time. 

Modarikhon madrasah

Modari-khan Madrasah and Abdullah-khan Madrasah. The buildings stand on narrow street sides, faced partal to each other. Modari-khan Madrasah was built in 974 of hydjr or 1566 - 1567. The date is pointed out with poems on majolica paintings over entrance. It is the modest model of Madrasah with gorgeous-faced main facade. He built Abdull-khan Madrasah in 1558 – 1590.  

Pridasgir Masjid

Today we visit to mosque 🏛️. It has a building and it is Abdulqodir Jaloniy vault. He wa born 1079 year in Eron. Then he went to Bagdad for to teach islam education.

Chor Bakr

 Today we saw Chor Bakr memorial place. It is 8kms.🏛️And it was awesome to me 🥰the memorial buil 20th century when small minaret erected.

Said po Band kusho

The graves of Hazrat Said Abulhasan are located in the yard on Khorezm Street in Bukhara. The mosque next to the graves is the "Said po Band Kusho" mosque, named after the famous person whose history was mentioned above. With the grace of our time, the mosque has been transformed into a more prosperous place, and it has been brought to a comfortable and cozy state.